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California Psychological Inventory (CPI)

Leadership personality measure

The California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) assessments are powerful tools for helping individuals improve their performance. Using a sophisticated technique to extract detailed personality insights, they summarise and explain how other people see a person and judge his or her leadership style. Indicatingwhich of four different ways of living, or lifestyles, best describe the respondent, the CPIoffersa unique perspective on how people manage themselves and deal with others, indicating strengths and developmental opportunities. Whilst the CPI 260 assessment offers practical, down-to-earth insights for organisational development, coaching, and HR applications in a business or organisational context, the CPI 434™ is designed for professionals who are qualified to use complex assessment tools and have a solid background in personality theory and assessment methodology, as well as experience in the analysis of individual test data.



Whilst the CPI 260 provides insights on 26 scalesrelated to organisational behaviourand leadership effectiveness, the CPI 434 assesses on 29 scales. However, the 5 broad areas measured are the same on both versions of the assessmentand are:

  • Dealing with Others

  • Self-Management

  • Motivations and Thinking Style

  • Personal Characteristics

  • Work-Related Measures


  • The CPI can be used to enhance:

  • Leadership competencies

  • Executive motivation

  • Performance improvements

  • Succession planning

  • Selection and retention decisions

  • Executive coaching


  • CPI 260 Coaching Report for Leaders - provides comprehensive information about a leader’s strengths and development needs in terms of 18 leadership competencies and provides advice on planning for the next steps. A fully narrative report with no scores, it is designed to help the respondent understand their preferences, attitudes and behaviours in key areas of management and leadership and, more specifically, in comparison with other successful individuals.

  • CPI 260 Client Feedback Report - provides clear graphical representation of client scores as shown on the26 personality scales

  • CPI 260 Configural Report– an advanced interpretive report that builds on the CPI 260® Client Feedback Report by providing helpful and deeper insights into a client's personality. The Scale Configuration section combines designated scales into configurations and then states the percentage of the basic norm sample manifesting this combination, followed by adjectival descriptions of men and women in whose

  • CPI™ profiles these configurations appear. This report isnot meant to be shared with clients and the gender of the client is required to generate the report.

  • CPI 434 Profile Report - clear and organised snapshot presentation of client’s CPI type, level, and Folk Scales scores, allowing for quick and easy interpretation.

  • CPI 434 Narrative Report - well-organised, comprehensive narrative interpretation of client’s CPI type, level, and Folk Scales results, and then elaborates on that information in narrative form for a comprehensive CPI interpretation. The Narrative Report includes all 100 California Q-sort items, from the most descriptive to the least descriptive, which make predictive statements about client’s behaviour to aid interpretation, helping practitioners describe client in a close, knowledge able and objective manner.

  • CPI 434 Configural Analysis Report – building on the Narrative report, this report provides two types of interpretations based on combinations of scales: (1) empirical analyses derived from research; and (2) speculative analyses derived from interpretations by the author or his colleagues.



Although South African research is not currently available, JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies in their organisations.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified





Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Myers Briggs Company

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