Coping Scales

Assess the usage and helpfulness of a range of general and specific coping strategies.

The Coping Scales is designed to support adolescents and adults when examining their own coping behaviour, assessing how they cope with either overall concerns or a particular concern. Coping can be defined as a set of cognitive and affective actions that arise in response to a particular concern. They represent an attempt to restore the balance or remove the turbulence for the individual. This may be done by solving the problem (that is, removing the concern) or accommodating the concern without bringing about a solution.

Both the ACS-2 and CSA-2 are 60-item self-report inventories that are useful for considering growth and development surrounding coping and for facilitating the development of coping strategies. The items specifically measure the usage and helpfulness of 20 distinct coping strategies in general and specific situations.


Both versions of the Coping Scales measure the following coping styles:

•    Productive Coping: encompasses problem solving while attempting to remain physically active and socially connected. This style includes 10 specific behaviours (social support, focusing on solving the problem, physical recreation, seeking relaxing diversions, investing in close friends, working hard to achieve, focusing on the positives, accepting one’s best efforts, social action and seeking professional help) that are rated by the individual according to usage and helpfulness.

•    Non-Productive Coping: indicates the use of avoidance strategies generally associated with an inability to cope with stressors. This style includes 8 specific behaviours (worry, wishful thinking, not coping, tension reduction, ignoring the problem, keeping to oneself, self-blame and acting up) that are rated by the individual according to usage and helpfulness.

•      Other Coping Styles: includes humour and seeking spiritual support.  



The Coping Scales assist individuals in their assessment, reflection and development of their own coping skills.



Both the ACS-2 and CSA-2 reports provide a graphical profile of an individual’s degree of usage of the 20 coping strategies and an evaluation of their perceived helpfulness, categorising these strategies into distinct coping styles.



JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research on this assessment in their practices and organisations.

Product Info



Age range

Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS-2): ages 12-18; Coping Scales for Adults (CSA-2): 18 years and older

Administration time

Not specified





Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Erica Frydenberg and Ramon Lewis


Australian Council for Educational Research

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