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Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

Evaluates peoples’ ability to solve different business-related problems, and these solutions then drive decision-making.

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) evaluates peoples’ ability to solve different business-related problems, and these solutions then drive decision-making.  Scores on the HBRI do not reflect a person’s interest in problem solving, but rather reflect a person’s problem-solving style, understand their capacity, and identify areas for development. It is important to note that factors other than problem-solving ability influence decision-making. For example, experienced people typically make better decisions than newcomers. Moreover, technology aids decision-making in many jobs (e.g., airline pilots). Finally, peoples’ ability to learn from experience will determine the long-term quality of their decision-making.


·        Overall Business Reasoning Score: Provides a normative score comparing the candidate to others around the globe.

·        Qualitative Reasoning: Provides an indication of the candidate’s ability to work with data visualisation, logic, and verbal information to solve problems.

·        Quantitative Reasoning: Provides an indication of the candidate’s ability to work with mathematical and spatial information to solve problems.

·        Cognitive Style: Combining qualitative and quantitative reasoning, describes how candidates think about and solve problems in the workplace.


The HBRI can be used for both selection and development purposes.


The HBRI Interpretive Report is designed to provide insight into a client’s critical reasoning abilities. The report's three components, Overall Business Reasoning, Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning, and Cognitive Style each providing unique information about how the client makes decisions in business and workplace contexts.

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