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State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2)

Measures anger experience, expression and control

The STAXI-2 was developed to assess state anger, trait anger, and anger expression and to measure the way these components contribute to medical conditions. To investigate the effects of anger on mental and physical disorders, the experience of anger must be clearly distinguished from anger expression and anger control.



The STAXI-2 scales assess anger intensity and frequency. They are the:

  • State Anger scale: assesses the intensity of anger as an emotional state at a particular time

  • Trait Anger scale: measures how often angry feelings are experienced over time

  • Anger Expression and Anger Control scales: assess four relatively independent anger-related traits: expression of angry feelings toward other persons or objects in the environment (Anger Expression-Out), holding in or suppressing angry feelings (Anger Expression-In), controlling angry feelings by preventing the expression of anger toward other persons or objects in the environment (Anger Control-Out), and controlling suppressed angry feelings by calming down or cooling off (Anger Control-In).

  • Anger Expression Index: overall measure of total anger expression.


  • Employee development (especially in high risk environments)

  • Coaching interventions

  • In clinical, counselling, and health care settings


The STAXI-2 Interpretive Report provides the individual’s scale and subscale scores and an interpretive narrative based on research findings.


South African research on the relationship between STAXI-2™ scales and personality in the security industry is available. JVR Psychometrics welcomes the opportunity to partner with clients to conduct research on this product.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 16 years and older

Administration time

Not specified


Global norms



Administration Platform

Hand-scorable/Client Services

Integrated reports



Charles D. Spielberger PhD, ABPP


PAR, Inc.

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