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Verbatim & Numeratum (V&N)

Provides an assessment of verbal and numerical ability.

The Verbatim (verbal ability) and Numeratum (numerical ability) assessments are used to ascertain a candidate’s levels of verbal and numerical reasoning ability, which are key aspects to consider in screening, recruitment, and selection settings. 

By employing Verbatim and Numeratum, you can:

  • Target essential skills: Focus on specific verbal and numerical reasoning abilities relevant to the job.

  • South African context: Ensure assessments align with the local workplace environment.

  • Data-driven decisions: Make informed hiring choices based on objective candidate data.

  • Detailed feedback: Gain valuable insights into candidate strengths and potential areas for development.



  • Synonyms: The ability to identify words that are the same or similar in meaning.

  • Opposites: The ability to identify words with opposite meanings.

  • Analogies: The ability to identify the relationship between a pair of words and to identify equivalent or similar relationships in different pairs of words.

  • Reasoning: The ability to reason with letters and other verbal content.

  • Interpretation: The ability to read and comprehend verbal content accurately.


  • Number Problems: The ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide across a range of numerical problems.

  • Patterns: The ability to solve problems that requires identification of patterns in numerical content.

  • Interpretation: The ability to read and interpret basic numerical information contained in a graph.


Both the Verbatim and Numeratum can be used for screening, selection, and recruitment decisions.


The following software reports are available:

  • Verbatim Feedback Report: This report is based on the participant’s responses to the assessment and provides the results of their Verbatim test. It gives an indication of the way they understand and work with verbal information.

  • Numeratum Feedback Report: This report is based on the participant’s responses to the assessment and provides the results of their Numeratum test. It gives an indication of the way they understand and work with numbers and solve problems that involve numbers.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals 17 years and older

Administration time

Verbatim 70 minutes; Numeratum 60 minutes


SA Norms



Administration Platform

JVR Online/Data capturing by Client Services

Integrated reports



JVR Psychometrics


JVR Psychometrics. All rights reserved.

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